Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Busyness .V. Resting

Well I tried to start writing a new post for my blog page quite a number of times this week, and then signed off and left it. So I am guessing that sometimes when we find ourselves in the place of simply having to stop (which if you ask any of my friends and family is not easy for me to do!), it's not just the physical body that slows down!

I find myself somewhere between having an operation that now means either sitting with my foot elevated or hobbling around with crutches, to the time when I can start to get back to normal again on both feet! In every situation there is always a lesson to be learned, maybe for me it is simply how to be patient, or to open my world up to the joys of reading, playing on my daughters DS, or simply taking the time to be still and contemplate, which rarely happens in the midst of the chaos of busy family life. As a Mum it is incredibly hard to sit back and watch everyone else take over, especially in those moments when you are trying to deliver instructions from a distance and everything within you thinks "it would be so much easier if I could just do it myself!" But the reality is, that these times are lessons for us all, yes it may be easier if I did it, but it can still get done without me, because I have a loving capable family who in many ways are wanting to help me(possibly so I get better quicker? :) but it's an opportunity for us all as a family to learn and grow!

But today also, I find myself reminded of the lyrics of one of my own songs - how easily we can sometimes forget that which has come from our own heart. How funny that in the busy times we can crave that place of rest, and when we find ourselves having to rest we crave being busy! So I am going to listen to my own words which I share also in my blog today, and enjoy the respite from the busyness, and rest as Mary did, at the feet of Jesus, and see what He says to me.

Simple Faith
© 2003 Alison J Taylor

Like a child, that’s how he wants us to come
As we are nothing more
Like a child, all of our doubts left behind
Simple faith as a child
Simple faith as a child

We’re so busy
Trying to keep pace with the times
Always someone trying to better our lives
Forever rushing, striving to fit things all in
Anytime left? To get on our knees before Him

Things just not working out right
In the desert, I call out to you in the night
Every problem, clouding my view of the one
Who is waiting, to take my hand lead me on

We see things through our adult eyes
We complicate simple things
We always have to question and ask why
Look in the mirror and see the child inside

You can listen to the song by following the link below:

Thursday, 11 November 2010

The OUTCOME outweighs the SUFFERING

Isaiah 53:3-5 (GOD’S WORD Translation)

    3He was despised and rejected by people.
      He was a man of sorrows, familiar with suffering.
      He was despised like one from whom people turn their faces,
         and we didn’t consider him to be worth anything.
    4He certainly has taken upon himself our suffering
         and carried our sorrows,
            but we thought that God had wounded him,
               beat him, and punished him.
    5He was wounded for our rebellious acts.
      He was crushed for our sins.
         He was punished so that we could have peace,
            and we received healing from his wounds.

Isn't what Jesus did for us totally amazing!

Sometimes we face sorrows.
Sometimes we experience pain.
Sometimes we hurt inside.
Sometimes we grieve.
Sometimes we are misunderstood.
Sometimes we are rejected.
Sometimes we carry unanswered questions.
Sometimes prayers are not answered as we'd like.
Sometimes lifes struggles seem so overwhelming.
Sometimes we wonder if what we're going through will ever end.

JESUS carries our sorrows
JESUS carried our pain
JESUS friends let him down
JESUS sweat tears of grief
JESUS was misunderstood
JESUS was rejected
JESUS cried "Father, if it be possible remove this cup from me"
JESUS was crushed
JESUS cried "It is finished!"

I am about to undergo surgery on my foot due to damage from the disease "Rheumatoid Arthritis", this Monday I was not in a good place, we had focused on healing again on Sunday, that Jesus carried our sickness on the cross. I felt hurt that for whatever reason, my prayers for healing appear unanswered, that my pain goes on each day unchanged, I wrestled with unanswered questions "If healing is that simple Father, why do I not experience it?, You know I believe, what more do I need to do?" I struggled with what I am about to face, the anaesthetic, the wound to heal, the rehab period before I'll be walking again properly. In my heart I yearned, "if it be possible, heal this foot so I don't have to face this surgery!" PLEASE!
Jesus reminded me of the cross again, but suddenly a new light dawned, he knew ALL I was going to face, he knows every detail of my life, and he's already carried my sorrow about this op, he understands totally my pain, my sorrow, my desperation. He was fully God yet fully man, he faced all this as a man, just like us, he just gently reminds us to lay our anxieties on him, because he has already suffered the "Anguish" for us.
What he went through for us and the victory he won on the cross, has given us total forgiveness, freedom, a way to the very throne room of the Father, where we can find all the help in our time of need.

I know that He will help me through this op, as he understands what it is to endure through pain. And the out come will be GOOD, a new freedom to walk again without the pain.

JESUS endured the cross for me, that I might have the promise of eternal life. He faced it because he knew the outcome far outweighed the suffering. WOW there's a lesson to be learnt in that!

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Lord How Faithful Thou Art

I wrote this poem a few years back, I thought I'd share it on my blog today:

Lord How Faithful Thou Art
(c)2004Alison J Taylor

In the silence this moment seems to bring
My head seems crowded with so many things
I want to let go of the cares of the day
But I just can’t seem to chase them away

They envelope me like a large black cloud
I long for the rays of sun to shine down
To shine through the rain in a spectrum of light
Revealing the colours of your rainbow of life

Yet the cloud seems to stay bringing sickness and pain
Is this part of you plan? Will this always remain?
The enemy mocks me with accusation and blame
To cause me to turn and dishonour your name

Yet YOUR word I remember, it is carved on my heart
Each promise you took the time to impart
You whispered my name as each promise I found
And so I will choose to declare them out loud

“Fear not I am with you, I’ve called you by name
The fire will not burn you when you pass through the flame.
The water won’t drown you for you’re my redeemed.
Take hold of my promise and you will succeed.”

“For I know the plans that I have for your life,
To Bless you, not harm you, to bring comfort not strife
I NEVER will  leave you; you’re a crown in My hand,
Before birth I knew you and saw My GOOD plan”

“So NOTHING can separate you from My love,
Not even the troubles that momentarily come.
For your name is engraved in the palm of my hand,
I am always beside you wherever you stand.”

Lord, I lay down my burdens, the weariness, the pain.
And I remember the cross where My saviour was slain.
Jesus love so amazing in death He became
My freedom, my victory, when I believe in His name

So I will wait on you Lord in the secret place
Where you take of my yoke and I rise by your grace
To soar with the eagles on wings up above
Renewed and strengthened by your unconditional love

As I’m touched by your Spirit, it burns deep in my soul
Of how awesome you are and I bow at your throne
Lord receive all my worship and please let it be
A sweet smelling fragrance that is pleasing to Thee

I stand here before you “Lord Here I am”
Please do in my life all that you can
 Each gift you have given I surrender to you
Let ‘this’ life touch others in all that I do

For you alone are worthy of all that I am
I will praise you whatever my circumstance
In good times, in tough times, I will praise as I should
And each day I’ll remember that Lord you are GOOD.

So Dear Father please guide me as I’m following you
When sometimes the journey means I can’t see the view
When the hill seems so steep and the path so rugged
Help me to press on till I reach the summit

And then I’ll look back on the pathway you carved
Then I’ll see clearly why sometimes it was hard
Only then will I know all the reasons you had
For the journey I’d travelled, then I’ll understand

Then I will rejoice with the trouble now past
I will sing with the angels, the race run at last
Until then I will trust you you’ve captured my heart
I find such peace knowing

Sunday, 24 October 2010

Looking back, looking forward

I have just enjoyed celebrating my sisters 40th birthday at her party yesterday. It was a special time for us as a family and wonderful seeing her surrounded by all her friends. As we shared together after the usual blowing out of the candles on the cake we took a moment to be thankful to God as just 13 years ago my sisters life was hanging in the balance .I remember trying to wear out the hospital floor as I paced its corridors whilst she underwent life saving surgery having been told it was unlikely she would survive the anaesthetic. I ponder the psalmists words;

"All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be" Psalm 139:16

God knew that my sisters days were not up, even in those moments of desperation when we didn't know what the outcome was going to be. HE KNEW, she was going to LIVE even as we faced uncertainty.

And she did live, and now we look in thanks for those years since and all that is yet to come as His promise says;

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

God has a plan for my sisters future, He has a plan for me and he has a plan for you. How wonderful that we can rest in His word, that HE KNOWS, and if we truly TRUST HIM, then this surely helps take the worry out of what the future may hold, whatever our circumstance may be. I am reminded of the words of an old song I remember singing as a child in church:

"Because He lives, I can face tomorrow
Because He lives, all fear is gone
Because I know, I know He holds the future
And life is worth the living, just because He lives!"

Amen to that!

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Be still

Sometimes we have little blips in Life that make us stop and be still. I believe they are God moments, when he just says its time to stop and rest in Him. This is one of those times, I have had raised blood pressure since Monday which means I have had to take it easy (not that I've wanted to!) but in those moments I hear his voice whispering to me

"Be still and know that I am God" Psalm 46:10

Monday, 4 October 2010

Seasons and Chapters

We often view life as a journey, we talk of seasons that come and go, some bringing joy and others bringing pain. We can view our lives as if writing a book, considering each season as a different chapter to add to what is the unfolding novel of our lives. My life has many chapters, my happy childhood growing up in a loving household, the teenage years making new friends and acquiring qualifications, becoming independant, pursuing a career, working, meeting and falling in love with my husband, getting married, enjoying establishing a home together, seeing our three children born, moving house 3 times, moving to a new area - leaving old friends, making new friends. Some chapters include the pain and grief of losing precious friends, facing traumatic circumstances, coping with serious illness and physical pain, and watching loved ones face the final chapter of their lives.....reaching their eternal destiny. But throughout all these different chapters/seasons there is one thing that remains constant, that enables me to keep going through the tough bits, and that is the constant prescence of a loving heavenly Father who has never let me go, or left me, who always loves me, who sends his spirit to comfort me, who upholds me with his righteous right hand, and who'll be there cheering me on all the way to the finish line when I will meet him face to face.

"Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him" James 1:12

"No eye has seen,
      no ear has heard,
   no mind has conceived
   what God has prepared for those who love him" 1Corinthians 2:8

The Blogging Begins

Well I have debated starting a blog for sometime now, so here it is! Not quite sure what will fill the pages as the weeks go by, but here we go. Well its Monday morning, usually not everyones favourite day, I don't think my husband was overwhelmed with excitement as he walked out of the door to work today, neither were my children bouncing for joy as they were awoken to get ready for another school day. Soon the house is quiet, I consider all I need to do versus all I'd like to do, what I'd like to be able to do but am unable to do, what I'd like to plan to do but that has to stay on hold for now. And then I am reminded of all God has given me, and I am thankful, for my husband who faithfully works hard to provide for us, for our lovely home, for food on the table as well as alot more, for my children who are doing so well at school, are passionate to follow Jesus and who bring much joy to my life, for friends who are just a phonecall away, for a car to get me from A to B, for medicines to keep me healthier than I'd be without them, for all that God has given, and all that He has promised, and I remember that I AM BLESSED. Then I am reminded of a song "Blessed to be a blessing", so that is what i consider today, "Father God, thankyou for blessing me, please give me opportunites to BLESS OTHERS today" - so if you read my blog today

"May the Lord bless you and keep you
May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you
May the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace" Numbers 6:24